Free Range Human

Life Outside The Box


Never A Loss For Words!

I have a very important announcement.  I only have to make it through one more day, then it’s freedom, glorious freedom, for two whole weeks!  Don’t get me wrong.  I enjoy my job (most of the time!), and getting back into the classroom for one hour this semester has done me a world of good.  However, there isn’t a teacher out there who isn’t just as excited as the kids about Christmas break :).

John and I started our holiday celebrations early with a visit to my grandparents’ house this past weekend.  Since we had to drive a total of ten hours in the space of about 48, it was a whirlwind weekend, but we had a fabulous time hanging out with one side of my family.  I don’t get to see this set of grandparents nearly enough because of the distance so the time was extra special.  And, of course, the food was more than worth the drive!


When we arrived Saturday afternoon, a few of us headed back out the door for something that has become a joke/tradition over the years.  My grandparents live near the army post Ft. Sill.  For those of you who don’t know, Ft. Sill has an interesting history.  Many of the western Indian tribes were removed to the western part of Oklahoma, and some of them spent their remaining years on or around Ft. Sill.


Quanah Parker, the famous Comanche chief, is buried in the cemetery on post.  Although I had seen it before, I was especially excited to go to his gravesite because I just listened to a fascinating podcast on him and his mother a few weeks ago.  If any of you are history buffs like me, you should definitely check out the Stuff You Missed In History class podcast.  They post about twice a week, and the subjects are always super interesting.


The famous Apache Indian, Geronimo, is also buried at Ft. Sill.  We didn’t go to his gravesite this time, but we did swing by the old guardhouse where Geronimo was a “guest” a few times.


They’ve turned it into a museum now, and it’s interesting to learn about the different myths and legends that surround Geronimo.

Not long after we arrived back at the house it was time to open presents.


My stepmom helped play Santa!


This girl can’t resist posing!


And, of course, what would sister time be without acting a little silly?

John and I headed back on Sunday, and,yes, I did get to stop at Whole Foods.  This was John’s first trip, and I was so excited to have him experience it.  Unfortunately, we hit it right after church so it was a little too busy to sufficiently appreciate it, but I still picked up some great stuff that I’ll show you tomorrow.

Because I took a break from the regular schedule yesterday, I didn’t get to participate in Friend Makin’ Monday.  The questions where so fun though that I decided I wanted to incorporate a few of them into today’s post.

The theme yesterday was all about what happened to you in 2012.  I love that because I think it’s interesting and insightful to look back on your life and evaluate the outcomes.  So here we go!

1. What was your greatest personal accomplishment in 2012?  I think it would have to be starting the blog.  I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but I am a cautious and private person by nature so this blog is completely out of character for me.  I’m so glad I took the leap!

2. What’s the best thing you did for your health? I bought a treadmill.  My town is horrendous when it comes to providing services so we have no gym to speak of.  I was going to a little hole in the wall one for a few years, but it always overcrowded and you had to fight for time on the handful of machines and free weights they had.  Having my own treadmill has really made me feel like I’m getting more out of  my workouts.  Got to get better at incorporating strength training though!

3. List a few things that you experienced for the first time at some point over the last twelve months. I experienced Montana for the first time, and I started blogging this year.  Those are pretty big ones!

4. What was the coolest place you visited?  Glacier National Park.  It was one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen, and the  backpacking trip was one of my favorites.

5. What is the best meal you ate this year? Wow!  That is really hard, but it would probably be the one time I got to eat at Steamworks Brewery in Durango, CO.  It’s my favorite restaurant!

6. Tell us about a new friend you made.  I have made so many wonderful new friends this year, all courtesy of the blog.  I’ve “met” people who I have a ton in common with and I’ve just clicked with immediately.  I can’t wait to meet all you wonderful folks in person!

7. Share something you learned in 2012. Even though this isn’t the first year I’ve been a backpacker, I do think this was the year that taught me just how much I love it.  I read this book, and realized that my single greatest ambition is to do a thru-hike.

8. Share an odd and unexpected thing that you experienced this year.  This year I’ve realized that I do actually like teaching.  My first teaching experience was years ago, and it was so awful that it scared me out of the classroom and into the library for a while.  This year I started teaching one class, and no one has been more shocked than me to find out that I like it!

9. How do you think 2013 will differ from 2012?  I think 2013 will see the blog grow and open up new opportunities for me.  In just the three short months I’ve been doing it, I’ve made new friends, seen readership increase, and worked with one or two really good companies.  I’m so excited to see where we go from here!

Ok, so I guess I ended up answering most of them!  I’m never at a loss for words ;).  See you tomorrow!

Tell me about your 2012!


Dear Santa

Hello friends!  I’m back!  I took the weekend off to enjoy time with John, enjoy decorating for Christmas, and just enjoy time unplugged for awhile.  I noticed several bloggers around our little universe did the same thing this weekend, and I hope all of them feel just as recharged and ready to go as I do today!

As I told you guys on Friday, the weekend was largely devoted to all things Christmas.  We made a quick trip to Ft. Smith Saturday  morning to stock up on extra Christmas lights, and John got them all on the house yesterday.  I’m always in charge of the inside of the house, and I got all of my decorations put out and the trees put up.  This year we got a much needed new tree, but, because I am the crazy Christmas person that I am, I wanted to put up the old tree in another part of the house instead of getting rid of it.  John was super excited about this plan ;).  Both trees are up, but we had a little situation and most of my ornaments are being held hostage in a storage building right now.  I should be getting them out today, and I will definitely be showing you all the finished result this week!  In the mean time, here’s a peek at some of the Christmas cheer in the Ford household.


My mother-in-law bought me these Christmas dishes last year, and I love them.  I think they make the table look so festive.  We probably won’t use them at all, but they sure make the table look lovely!

It’s time, once again, for Friend Makin’ Monday (<–didn’t I just do last week’s post??). Kenlee, our wonderful host, is also getting into the Christmas spirit with her theme this week.  No questions to answer.  This week we’re simply doing a wish list.  Here’s a list of items that I’m hoping Santa delivers for me this year!

The North Face Reaxion Long-Sleeved T-Shirt


I already have this in three colors, and I want the rest of the collection!

North Face TKA 100 Texture Masonic Hoodie

Again, I already have this in several colors.  Hey, once I find something I like I stick with it!

North Face Freedom LRBC Pants


We have a ski trip planned in a few months, and I am in desperate need of new pants!

North Face RIKIE Jacket


Isn’t this pretty?

North Face Windwall Vest


I’m sure you’re noticing a trend.  I think I’ve already mentioned that I have a huge thing for North Face.  Seriously, it’s a wee bit ridiculous.


John pointed out this book the other day, and I’m dying to read it!

Little Women T-Shirt


Are you guys familiar with Out of Print?  It’s an awesome website that has T-shirts that feature book covers from classic books.  I’ve bought several, and this is one of the newest ones they’ve come out with.  I’ve loved Little Women for as long as I can remember so I want this one badly!

This last one is just for fun.  We are considering adding to our family, but I don’t really expect this Christmas morning.


How cute is this little guy?!

Those are some of the things on my wish list this year.  As you can see, I have a bit of a one track mind.  Outdoor clothes (preferably North Face!) all the way!

What’s in your letter to Santa?


Food For Thought

Hello all!  I’m back!  John and I made it off the trail around 11:30 yesterday morning.  Guess what?  We didn’t beat the rain.  The last mile or so was done in a downpour which definitely challenged my positive attitude, but the after trail meal and ice cream we enjoyed put everything back in perspective!  I plan on giving you all a full recap tomorrow, but, in the mean time, here’s a little sneak peek of the adventure we had.  And let me assure you-it was definitely an adventure 😉

I hope you’re intrigued 😉

Before I move on to the best part of any Monday, I wanted to thank you guys for the outpouring of love and support I got from my post on Saturday.  Everyone’s comments were so wonderful and thoughtful.  Writing that post was so cathartic for me, and I was really proud of the result.  I’m so glad you all loved it too.

Now on to Friend Makin’ Monday!  Kenlee has provided us a pretty interesting topic.  This week is all about what’s hanging out in the fridge.  Since food is one of my very favorite things to talk about, I love the idea of telling you all about the staples that keep me going on a daily basis so let’s get started, shall we?

What’s in Your Fridge?

1. List a few common items that can always be found in your fridge.  Chobani, cheese, sandwich meat, salad, carrots, apples

2. What kind of milk do you drink? I actually don’t drink milk.  I’ve never liked it although I can stomach it with a bowl of cereal occasionally.  John on the other hand could do his own Got Milk? commercial.  I’ve seriously never seen a human being consume it like he does so we always have a gallon of 1% Braums milk on hand.  (Yes, it has to be Braums.)
3. Do you prefer fresh or frozen vegetables?  I love fresh, but I’m definitely not opposed to frozen.  Sometimes I find frozen broccoli a little bit easier to cook!
4. What do you currently have to drink in the fridge? Milk, water, and tea.  There is ALWAYS tea in my fridge! (Except apparently in the above picture because I just finished off the pitcher!)

5. How often do you clean out your refrigerator? Usually I clean it out once a week, but I have been known to let things sit just a wee bit too long.

6. What’s the healthiest thing in it right now? Hmm…this is difficult.  Most of the stuff I keep in there is healthy.  I’m going to go with the veggies or the Chobani. 

7. What’s the most unhealthy thing in it right now? There is currently a Tupperware dish of frozen wedding cake in the freezer.  I try to forget it’s there!

8. What do you wish you had in it that you don’t have now? Right now, I wish there was some leftover rotisserie chicken.  I’ve been craving chicken salad the last few days!

9. How often do you shop for groceries? I do the majority of my shopping once a week, but I inevitably have to pop into the store once or twice during the week for one or two things.

10. What’s the weirdest thing in your fridge right now? I think it would have to be the bottle of peach wine.  John and I are not big drinkers, but about two and a half years ago we flirted with the idea of becoming wine drinkers and bought this on a whim.  It has never been opened.

Bonus:  If you could choose one thing to put in the fridge and make it calorie-free what would it be?  Ice cream!  It would be on every shelf as far back as I could stack it with pints in the door 🙂

What’s one thing that is always in your fridge?  Answer the bonus question.  I’m curious!


It’s Never Too Early

Happy Monday!  I hope that extra hour made getting up this morning a little easier.  Between that and the fact that John and I were asleep by 8:30 last night, I felt full of energy when the alarm went off this morning!  I love this time of year.  I am one of those rare people who doesn’t mind the extra darkness.  Mostly because it gives me an excuse to go lay in my bed by 7:00 every night 😉  Yes, I am internally 75 years old!

I’m so glad you guys enjoyed the pictures from our hike.  I can’t stress enough how beautiful the colors were this weekend.  It really made my desire to be out on the trail 98% of the time go through the roof!  We’re planning on doing our much anticipated backpacking trip this weekend.  There is a small chance for rain so everyone keep your fingers crossed that it doesn’t cancel our plans for the third time!  I haven’t been backpacking since I started this blog, and I’m itching to show you what it’s all about.

I’m actually really glad it’s Monday because it’s been two weeks since I’ve participated in Friend Makin’ Monday!  I love these informal surveys that allow me to tell you all a little about me and the tidbits I learn about you in the comment section.  Please go check out Kenlee’s blog and find a few more new friends today 🙂

Instead of ten questions, the theme of today’s Friend Makin’ Monday is Thankfulness.  In honor of the start of Thanksgiving month, I’m going to list ten things that I’m thankful for.  Even though Thanksgiving is a few weeks away, I hope this reminds everyone that being thankful is something we should remember to be all year long.

1.  There is nothing in this life I’m more thankful for than my husband.  Even though I don’t necessary believe in “meant to be” or fate, I do believe that there is not a person on the planet that would make a better match for me.  You know I don’t like being overly emotional so let’s just say that this is something I never forget to be thankful for.

2.  Of course my family runs a close second on this list.  I come from a very close-knit family, and they are, quite simply, the best people I know.  One of the reasons why it’s hard for me to make friends is because I’d rather hang out with them than just about anyone.  I struggle with living away from them because I truly don’t feel quite right unless they’re around!

3.  This is going to sound silly and cliche, but I am so grateful for the beautiful world we live in.  The hike this weekend is just one of many opportunities I’ve had to be out in nature, but I’m amazed each time by the joy it evokes in me.

4.  On a similar note, I’m thankful for a strong body that allows me to do what I love.  I am brutal to it at times, and I often don’t talk about it very nicely but it continues to perform in ways I never thought possible.

5.  I am thankful that I worry about the scale being too high even if it is just 3 or 4 pounds.  It means that I am safe, taken care of, and have plenty to eat.  So many people are not so fortunate.

6.  My parents always made travel a priority, and, although I often took it for granted, it’s something I have thanked them for many times since I’ve become an adult.  Travel has allowed me to broaden my worldview, and make me the person I am.  Never underestimate the power of getting out of your bubble and experiencing the world!

7.  On a related note, I’m thankful that John and I have the ability to travel.  It’s something we both love, and something we’ve committed to making a priority in our marriage.  In the three years we’ve been married, we’ve already had the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C., Vail, Bryce Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, the Grand Canyon, Memphis, Colorado several times, and Glacier National Park.  We’ve already got big plans for 2013 as well!

8.  I am thankful that this little face is a part of my life everyday.  He makes me laugh about twenty times more a day than I would otherwise!

9.  Blogging!  This endeavor as been a wonderful creative outlet for me, and it’s beginning to open doors that I wouldn’t have imagined.  I can’t wait to see where it takes me, but, mostly, I am thankful for the new friends it has given me.  You guys make me smile everyday, and have filled a little something that was missing!

10.  I am so thankful that I live in a country where what I think matters.  As an American, I have a voice and a vote, and I am ever mindful that it is not a right everyone in the world enjoys.

On that note, John and I are off to get in line for early voting!  Have a great evening everyone!

What are you most thankful for today?


No Rest For The Weary….

I’m going to start off being very honest with you all today.  I’m dragging!  I had a whirlwind of a weekend, and, although I had a blast hanging out with some of my favorite people, I am definitely feeling the effects today.  However, I have news that makes it all okay.  Look at the forecast for this weekend.

That’s right, folks!  If all goes well, John and I will FINALLY be hitting the trail for a weekend away from civilization, and I couldn’t be more ready for it.  Check out the temperatures!  I think I’m definitely going to need some colder weather gear.  Perhaps that means I should pop over to and do some shopping 🙂 Please keep your fingers crossed that the forecast stays on the right track!
Someone had to visit the vet this afternoon.  He wants to make sure you all know he’s just fine, and made me take his picture to show you 🙂

I wanted to share a little bit more of my weekend with you guys today.  As I said yesterday, I was back in my hometown for three days to celebrate my grandpa’s 80th birthday.  Saturday night we had an immediate family party at my aunt and uncle’s house., and then yesterday it was time for the major celebration.  My grandpa is very involved with his church, and yesterday morning the entire family including some of his brothers and sisters surprised him by showing up for Sunday service.

My mom and aunts had worked pretty tirelessly for weeks to arrange a gathering at church with a huge potluck lunch after.  I know the rest of the church family was overwhelmed with the circus that took over yesterday!  My grandpa is one of 14 children, and he and my grandma had 5.  There’s a lot of us!  It was a great afternoon, and my grandpa was completely surprised and thrilled by all the attention and family surrounding him.

I couldn’t help but think what a testament it was to the kind of man my grandpa is that, after 80 years on earth, so many people where ready and willing to show such outpouring of love.  I can only hope I inspire that in people when I’ve been around that long!  Of course, I’ll probably be like my grandma who has already said that we better not think of throwing a party in two years when she turns 80!

In other news, it’s Monday again!  Kenlee kept it pretty simple this week, and only had one question for Friend Makin’ Monday.  I think it’s a great one!

“What is the first thing you would do for YOURSELF if you won $100 million dollars?”

I think the answer to this question is such a great insight into what’s really important to you.  So many people give the standard answer of pay off bills, give to charity, help family etc.. but this question wants to know what you would do AFTER all that stuff.  What would you do just simply because it would make you happy?  Well here’s the answer.


I would use the money to make it possible for John and I to quit our jobs, and go hike the Continental Divide Trail.  I’ve talked about the trail before, but I don’t know that I have adequately expressed to you how much I want to make this dream a reality.  The CDT would take us about 6 months to complete, and there’s only one little problem.  At least for the foreseeable future, we can’t just quit our jobs to hike for 6 months!  We frequently dream up ways to make it possible, but the reality of the situation is it will probably be retirement before it happens.  I’m keeping a positive attitude and repeating “Someday” with a smile every time I think of it 🙂

Your turn!  What would you do for YOU if you won the lottery?


I Live Without Closet Doors…

……..which pretty much sums up my attitude towards my house.  But it’s the topic of Friend Makin’ Mondays, and you guys know I love to play along!



Before we get to it, did you guys notice the new header?  That’s courtesy of Jenny-isn’t it great?  I’m totally in love with it!  Now, on to the main event…

John and I moved into our little house right before our wedding three years ago (three years next week!).  We had all kinds of trouble when it came to buying a house.  It’s a long somewhat horrifying story so I won’t bother you all with it.  Let’s just say that our house is definitely a fixer-upper 😉

We spent the majority of the first year fixing the absolutely necessary things.  We ripped out a bathroom, fixed foundation, put in new windows….the list is intense!  Then we got the point where things were comfortable.  Not finished, but comfortable.  And herein lies the problem.  John and I both have zero interest in home improvement.  Sure, I want things to look nice and be upgraded, but I have no desire to actually do the work!  I’d much rather go do something fun on my weekends!

Every few months we do a little something else, but we probably do need to get it in gear when it comes to home renovations.  Maybe we could if we would stop spending all our money on hiking gear and vacations……


Inside Your Home

1. Do you live in an apartment/condo, townhouse or house?  House
2. What is your home’s coolest feature? Honestly, I think it’s the bookshelves we put in a few years ago.  They are beautiful!  We still need to make some minor adjustments so that our media equipment will fit inside, but they are definitely my favorite feature.
3.  Do you enjoy DIY projects?  If so, what are you working on now?  I do not dig DIY.  You’ll have to hit up my sister for that.  Although John is getting pretty good as certain DIY projects.  Care if I brag a bit?  He’s started making Adirondack chairs, and look how good he’s getting!
4. When using the dishwasher do you use powder detergent or liquid?  Liquid…always liquid!
5. Do you have a TV in your bedroom?  I bet you all know the answer to this!  Of course we do!  We like to go to bed as soon as we deem socially acceptable and watch TV from our room the rest of the night.  Let’s be clear that what we deem socially acceptable is probably not what most people would.  Yep, we roll like that.
6.  Is your range gas or electric?  Electric, but one of these days when we completely gut the kitchen, it’s gas all the way!
7.  How often do you sweep/mop/vacuum?  I sweep the kitchen about every other day, mop once a week, and vacuum once a week.  I try to talk John into vacuuming as often as I can because I loathe it.  I don’t know why, but it’s absolutely my least favorite chore.
8.  What is your favorite place to shop for home furniture and accents? As you can probably tell, I don’t really do much shopping for those sort of things.  When I do buy stuff for the house, I prefer to buy interesting, original things or funky stuff from our travels.
9.  Do you decorate for holidays?  I love to decorate for Christmas!!  It’s really the only holiday I put stuff out for, but Christmas is my time of year.  There are probably even going to be two trees in the Ford household this year 🙂
10.  If you could have HGTV come in and redo one room in your home which room would you choose?  This is a no contest question.  It’s the kitchen without a doubt.  I love to cook and it’s the room I spend the most time in.  Not to mention that very little has been done to my kitchen since the house was built in 1965.  Yeah, tell me about it…
That’s all, folks!  I hope you’ve enjoyed this installment of Friend Makin’ Mondays courtesy of Miss Kenlee.  I’ll be back tomorrow with another very important public service announcement!
What is your favorite room in your house? Do you enjoy home improvement projects?  Care to share any tips? 


A World With Octobers

Happy October!  Today officially begins my absolute favorite time of the year.  This month I have backpacking to look forward to, our anniversary, and (hopefully!) much cooler weather.  Then we head right into the holidays which anyone can tell you, I go a little nuts over!

I’m posting a little late today because I’ve been on the road to that undisclosed location I was talking about yesterday.  Hello from Oklahoma City!  Every year I go to a technology conference here for work, and it’s so nice to have the opportunity to learn what’s new in the world of education technology.  The best part of this annual trip is hands down the opportunity I get to hang out with friends.  Three of my best friends from high school live in the City now, and we only get to see each other a few times a year.  This is the perfect opportunity to catch up, and we already have dinner plans for tomorrow night!  I’m very excited 🙂

In other news, it’s Monday which means it’s time for Friend Makin’ Monday.  This is week it’s all about what make’s you Uniquely You.  Thanks to Kenlee for hosting this awesome blogger link-up.

1) Do you prefer to talk or text? I am all about texting.  For some reason, I really dislike talking on the phone so texting is a great way to solve that problem!

2) How often do you make your bed? Everyday.  Sometimes I let myself slide a little on the weekends, but usually that’s only if I know I’ll be washing the sheets that day.  I’m a neat freak!

3) What sounds do you hear right now?  The TV.  Two Broke Girls is on.  I’ve never watched it before, and, I gotta say, so far I’m not really a fan.

4) List three things that you always carry with you.  Wallet, book, and emergency snack 🙂

5) What are your favorite TV shows? Oh wow…how long can this answer be.  Ok, here goes….The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Mike & Molly, Castle, Hawaii Five-O, NCIS, The Middle, Grey’s Anatomy, Blue Bloods, Once Upon a Time, Revenge, and The Mentalist.  And that doesn’t even count the summer shows I love.  I told you I was addicted!

6) Is there a hobby that you’d like to devote more time to? If so, what is it? Oddly enough, I think I’d have to say reading.  I love to read, but it seems like lately I’ve been so busy, I haven’t had time to sit down and zone out with a good book.  Perhaps if I cut down on TV…….

7) What is your favorite drink? Tea, without a doubt.  I drink at least a gallon a day!

8) Share a couple of cool facts about your family. My mom is the one who gave me my love of travel.  She’s been to every state except three, I think.  My dad runs marathons which dumbfounds me since I can’t even contemplate running a marathon.

9) List one thing that you will do for yourself today. Well, today is almost over so let tomorrow I will let myself enjoy a precious extra few minutes of sleep, and then do some yoga to get me ready for the day!

10) Share something that you’re thankful for today. Ok, if you can’t handle corny you can skip this question.  Today (and everyday) I’m thankful for my husband.  He really is my best friend.  He’s my favorite person to hang out, and being married to him has completely disproven the “marriage takes work rule” for me.

Well, it’s getting pretty close to my bedtime so I’m going to curl up in my king-size hotel bed and pick up that book I never have time to read.  Good night!

What are some things your looking forward to in October?  Pick some of the above questions to answer.  I’d love to know what makes you UNIQUE!


Return To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming..

Today is my favorite Monday of the year, but I’ll get to that in a moment.  How was everyone’s weekend?

My Monday has been great mainly because I switched up my breakfast routine and the result was amazing!  I’m saving the pictures and recipe for What I Ate Wednesday this week, but you guys are going to love it!  And, why yes, my entire day can be made by the food involved 😉

So why is this my favorite Monday of the year?  Because of this …..

And this…..

And this…

That’s right!  All my favorite shows are back this week with new episodes!  Now I consider myself a fairly intelligent person.  I love to read, I engage in deep and meaningful conversations, I follow world events and politics, but my dirty little secret is I am a TV junkie.  I hope you guys don’t think any less of me.  Yes, I know everyone watches TV, but I’m a little out of control.  I almost have to create spreadsheets to keep up with how many I watch.  Trust me, the above examples are just a few of the plethora of shows I’ve got ready to go on my DVR.  So you can imagine just how excited I am that this week is finally here!

In other news, it’s Friend Makin’ Mondays!

Thanks to Kenlie for being the lovely host of this event.  This week is all about Fall which is appropriate since it’s exploding all over the blog world.  I for one am knee-deep in pumpkin recipes  and I’m loving it!

Fall Favorites

1. What is your favorite thing about this time of year?  I love the change of weather.  I really do not care for the hot temperatures of summer so this time of year is always a welcome change.  Plus, I think the changing leaves are just beautiful!

2. What do you hope to do again before Summer is officially over?  Actually, as of Saturday it is officially over 🙂  And I’m not sorry about that!

3. When did you last go on a hay ride?  Oh wow!  I don’t even remember!  We use to have huge family Halloween parties and I know we did hay rides a few times at those.

4. What is your favorite pumpkin dish?  Pumpkin bread with pumpkin butter! I’m hunting for a great recipe.  Anyone have one?

5. Do you decorate your home for fall?  Not a lot.  I put a wreath on my door, and I have a few fall decorations from my wedding that I put out.  I don’t usually decorate very much for any occasion.  I like the minimalist approach.  Except for Christmas-watch out!

6. Do you have any hobbies that are seasonally specific? If so, what are they?  Well, of course you guys know the answer to this.  Hiking!  It’s definitely seasonally specific in our part of the world because for a lot of the year it’s either too hot or too cold!

7. Apple cider or hot chocolate?  I think apple cider for fall, but as soon as I determine it’s winter, I’m all about the hot chocolate!

8. Are you a fan of football?  If so, who is your team?  Sorry guys.  I may lose some friends on this one, but I really don’t care for football.  I didn’t go to a “football” school, and I’ve just never gotten into it.

9. Share a fond Fall memory.  Well, the biggest one that comes to mind is my wedding 🙂

10. It’s not Fall until…The weather stays in at least the 70s consistently.

That’s it for Friend Makin’ Mondays!  I think these things are so cool because I love finding out random things about people.

Before I let you go for today, I need to brag on my little sister a bit.  Look what she made this weekend!

She is beyond creative, and I’m so proud of her!  Ok, and a little jealous.

What are your favorite TV shows?  What do you love most about Fall? 


Friend Makin’ Mondays

The sun is out!  Sort-of.  We’ve been under a lot of gloomy clouds for the last few days, and I’m excited that the sun is trying to peek out a bit.  I miss my bike and I’m itching to get back to it. Maybe I can go for a ride tomorrow.  In the mean time, I’m taking a rest day today.  I had two hard workouts this weekend and my body needs a break.

In lieu of a workout to share with you, I have a fun Q&A.  I ran across this on Kenlie’s blog today, and I thought it was such a great way to connect with other bloggers.  Since I’m such a new blogger, I really love the opportunity to “socialize” with the larger community.  Friend Makin’ Mondays is a weekly series where bloggers answer a series of questions and then link up on Kenlie’s site.  This week’s bunch of questions is about blogging!

 Blog Stuff

1.  Have you ever met anyone through your blog that led to an in-person friendship/relationship? Not yet, but I so hope it does!

2.  Most bloggers have a specific niche.  What would you discuss if it didn’t seem inappropriate on your blog? Honestly, I’d probably talk about politics.  I’m a bit of a politic junkie. However, I don’t think politics has a place in the healthy living community.  I want to talk about what brings us together…not what separates us!

3. If you could meet three bloggers, who would they be? I think that would have to be Caitlin, Meghann, and Courtney.  Caitlin and Meghann were two of the first healthy living bloggers I first started following, and I still read everything they post.  I only started following Courtney in the last few months, but I love her blog and she was super nice to answer all kinds of questions I had about starting a blog.

4. If you had to choose between Facebook or Twitter which one would you choose?  I think it’s too soon to tell.  I only joined Twitter last week, and, so far, I’m really enjoying it.

5. Do you vlog (video blog?) Not yet, but I’m learning more and more about blogging everyday and vlogging may evolve on Free Range Human eventually.

6. How many blogs do you read on an average day? I read anywhere from 10 to 15 during the day.

7.  What is the coolest thing that you’ve seen online recently? I saw an article from Women’s Health about Hayden Panettiere and her body images issues.  I thought it was really insight, and an honest look at the issues that actresses have.

8. If you gave your blog a new name what would it be? My blog name is still really new so I’m not tired of it yet 🙂

9. Have you ever attended a blog conference like Fitbloggin?  If not, would you? I haven’t but I absolutely would.  My goal is to attend the Healthy Living Summit next year.

10. In the past I have asked why you blog.  Now I want to know why you read blogs?  What do you take from it?  I started reading healthy living blogs by accident.  I stumbled upon the community while browsing the web, and I haven’t stop coming back since.  I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve learned from reading blogs.  They inspiring me everyday, and they make me really stop and think.  I love it!

That’s it!  I realize I haven’t given you guys any pictures this week.  I promise to have a picture heavy post tomorrow 🙂  Have a great evening!