Free Range Human

Life Outside The Box

World’s Highest Hill


Monday once again!  I hope you all had a relaxing, fun, and restful weekend!  We didn’t end up doing much of anything.  I have decided that talking about hiking on the blog is akin to talking about a “no-no” (baseball reference!).  Almost as soon as I mentioned we were going to try to hike this weekend, it became obvious that the weather wasn’t going to corporate.  Rain and a serious cold front was suppose to hit around noon on Saturday so John and I came up with an alertnative plan.


I think I’ve mentioned before that our little town is home to “the world’s highest hill.”  Cavanal Hill comes in at 1,999 ft. falling just one foot short of being a mountain.  Don’t let the name “hill” fool you, though.  You gain that almost 2,000 ft. in just 5 miles making it a pretty good workout!  John and I use Cavanal to train for backpacking, and, since we only had a few hours Saturday morning before the weather hit, we decided to strap on our packs and head up the hill.


Max came too, of course, but he was not happy about his pack.  The look he gives us is hilarious, and I can’t help but laugh at his indignation.  We always start off from our house which stretches the trip to about twelve miles total.  We didn’t end up going all the way to the top this time since the rain was coming in quickly, but we did manage to put in a ten mile day which is definitely respectable.  Be ready to hear about lots of Saturdays doing this very same thing as we start to prepare for the Colorado Trail!


The rest of the weekend was fairly uneventful.  We took in a movie Saturday afternoon, I cleaned house on Sunday, and then spent the remainder of my time finishing up the book about Highclere Castle.  It was a perfect lazy (semi!) weekend.

Before we get to our Monday feature, I wanted to quickly mentioned that yesterday marked the end of Week 1 of Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp.  I plan on recapping the week fully tomorrow, as well as setting some goals for Week 2.  For now, let me just tell you that I love this program!  I am a person that very much needs a plan in most areas of my life, and working out is no different.  If things keep going like this, I can definitely see me signing up again!

And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for-Friend Makin’ Mondays!  This week’s theme is “Interesting Things.”  Enjoy!


Interesting Things

1. What is the last movie you saw in a theater?  We saw “This Is 40” on Saturday.  It was hilarious!  Even though we are a decade younger than the couple in this movie, John and I could relate to a few parts!

2. How old were you when you had your first kiss?  I was 12 which horrifies me today.  A 12 year old has no business kissing!!

3. Share the coolest thing that you’ve done so far in 2013.  I became a Downton Abbey fan this year :).  The second season is in the mail, and should be at my doorstep today.  Can’t wait!

4. What kind of cell phone do you use? Do you love it?  This is just embarrassing.  I swear I’m going to upgrade soon!

5. How many times do you plan to workout this week?  I’m going to get six times in this week.  Boot Camp, baby!

6.  What is your favorite movie from the ’80s?  Easy peasy!  “When Harry Met Sally”!  My favorite movie from the ’80s, and my favorite movie of all time!


7. If you could choose one character from a TV show or a movie to fall head over heels for you, who would it be?  Speaking of the ’80s, that would be Johnny Castle from “Dirty Dancing.”  I had a huge thing for Patrick Swayze when he was alive, and that was by far my favorite role he played.



8. If you could eat one food everyday for the rest of your life without gaining any weight as a result, what would you choose? Ice cream.  No question.  Every day, every meal.  End of story.

9. What is your favorite flower?  This is a wee bit difficult because I’m not that into flowers.  I think I’ll go with hydrangeas.  They’re beautiful!

10. Did you watch the Golden Globes last night?  I sure didn’t, but I hear that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler killed it!

What’s your favorite ’80s movie?  Please answer #7.  I think that’s a fun question!

38 thoughts on “World’s Highest Hill

  1. Mmmm ice cream. So good! Great post!

  2. Woohoo! 6 bootcamps, way to go! It is so tough to get motivated in the winter when it’s cold and you can wear so many layers that no one can see your figure. I admire your dedication!

  3. i didn’t realize you were such an ice cream fan. that is a tough one for me to choose…

    • I’m a huge ice cream fan! It doesn’t pop up on the blog very often because I only let myself have it as a special weekend treat. Not to mention that I’ve already had any in two months because there was other deliciousness to have over the holidays!

  4. I’m totally cracking up about your first kiss! 🙂 At least you know better now!

  5. Dirty Dancing and Ferris Bueler are my favourite 80s movies. Johnny Castle?? Be still my beating heart. 😉

  6. DOWNTON!! WOOHOO!! Sorry your planned hike didn’t work out, but it looks like you guys had fun anyway. Max’s backpack is adorable!

  7. My favorite 80s movie is most definitely Splash. Love Tom Hanks! I also could eat I’ve cream everyday 🙂

  8. Hahaha I love the pictures of Max! First picture he’s like what the heck are you making me do? Second picture he’s like yay hiking!! Love dogs. One movie character to fall for me hmm…Harry Potter? Wow I’m a dork.

  9. Max is so cute! That hill looks like a mountain for sure!

  10. Ugh I LOVE Patrick Swayze. Dirty Dancing is one of my all time favorite movies!

  11. Natalie, you are so right that a 1,999-foot-hill ain’t nothing to mess around with! I cannot get over that picture of Max with the pack. He is soooo cute. I think I might love him.

  12. Congrats on becoming a Downton fan!! I love Matthew so I can count him for #7 lol

  13. Oh my goodness, I love the picture of Max! He is looking at the camera like ‘Why are you making me wear this!?’ Haha, my dog, Nola would be the exact same way!

  14. I love Max! His pack and face are adorable!! And great questions this week! Breakfast Club is probably my favorite 80’s movie or Ferris 🙂

  15. When Harry Met Sally is great. I could quote that movie forever. I suppose I would have Jim Halpert from The Office fall for me because he’s the height of adorable. Also, Max is adorable, but that pretty much goes without saying. 🙂

  16. Hahahaha! Max is totally not into that pack, but he definitely cheered up on that trail. He looks so happy!

    Also, this:
    “Ice cream. No question. Every day, every meal. End of story.”
    is awesome! I love it!

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