Free Range Human

Life Outside The Box

Taco Chili & A Downton Obsession


The week is flying by, and it’s already time once again for What I Ate Wednesday!  I’m going to jump right into it because I am halfway through the second season of Downton Abbey, and I have about two hours before John comes home and makes me turn it off!  William just died, Matthew’s in a wheelchair, and I’m not entirely sure I trust this guy claiming to be Patrick.  AH!


Today started off on a great note because I noticed last night I had an empty peanut butter jar just begging to be used for breakfast!  This time is was regular peanut butter which is quite a change from my usual Peanut Butter & Co. flavors, but it was still so good.  I don’t know what it is about the simple act of switching a bowl for a PB jar, but, guys, this is good.  Try it!


Lunch was a bit of a treat today.  I had a salad to sneak in some vegetables for the day along with some feta, plantain chips (yummy!), and a drizzle of Caeser Italian dressing.  That was great, but the real winner was the Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili I made for dinner last night.  I had a small bowl with my salad, and it was even better today!  I love how the flavors in chili come together overnight ensuring wonderful leftovers.


Can I get three cheers for yogurt bowls?  Nothing out of the ordinary in my afternoon snack.  The Pomegranate Chobani has always been one of my favorites, but I’ve really been feeling it lately.  I mixed it up with banana chips, Craisins, and a little Love Grown granola.  Of course, there’s an apple in there too.  Honeycrisps are still making an appearance in my grocery store, and I’m taking full advantage.


Let’s talk dinner a minute.  Last week Julie decided to declare a Crock Pot Challenge.  She’s determined to try ten new Crock Pot recipes by the end of February, and I decided to join her.  I’ve always loved my Crock Pot, but I’ve never used it for much more than beans.  Julie’s challenge gives me a perfect excuse to be more adventurous with it, and the adventure began last night.  The first recipe I decided to try was Skinnytaste’s Chicken Taco Chili.

Chicken Taco Chili

adapted very slightly from Skinnytaste


  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 16 oz. cans of kidney beans
  • 1 8-oz can tomato sauce
  • 12 oz package frozen corn kernels
  • 2 14.5-oz cans Rotel
  • 2T homemade taco seasoning
  • 1 1/2 tbsp cumin
  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 20 oz (3-4) boneless skinless chicken tenders
  • cheddar cheese
  • sour cream

Combine first 8 ingredients in your Crock Pot.  Place chicken on top of bean mixture, and turn your crock pot on low for about 9 1/2 hours.  Remove chicken and shred.  Return chicken to Crock Pot and let cook for another 45 minutes.  Ladle into bowls and top with cheese and sour cream to taste.  Enjoy!


It was delicious!  Like I said, I adapted this very, very slightly from Skinnytaste.  Be sure to check out her original recipe if you’re interested in all of the nutritional information.  This is a great if you’re involved in the Crock Pot Challenge, or just looking for a wonderful cold weather recipe!


And, finally, a rarity around here-Dessert!  I picked these up at the store last weekend, and I’m almost through the entire box.  They’ve been a perfect after dinner snack, and you better believe I’ll be having another one tonight!

That’s another Wednesday in the books which means the weekend is right around the corner!  Now, I’ve got to run.  Mary is threatening to marry Richard, and I’ve just GOT TO KNOW!  See ya tomorrow!

Who’s your favorite Downton character?  How often do you use your Crock Pot?

39 thoughts on “Taco Chili & A Downton Obsession

  1. omg, Bob and I watched three episodes in a row of Downton Abbey a few nights ago. We were on a roll–it was just too good! So far, we love grandmama. She cracks us up!

  2. 1st Question: Do you microwave the peanut butter jar to make the oatmeal?
    2nd Question: What is that yummy looking dessert?

    I think I might join in the crock pot challenge. I definitely need to use mine more.

    • No, I just make the oatmeal on the stove top as usual and then pour it into the peanut butter jar. I suppose you could microwave it. I’ve just always done stove top oats! The dessert is a Greek yogurt ice cream bar. Yoplait makes them, and they are delicious!

  3. I never remember to use the crockpot but need to bc it’s so easy. Taco chili is one of my fav dishes!

  4. No lie, I watched Downton all day today. I had to do it. 😉 Honestly, there are so many characters I like. I’m definitely Team Mary because I’m the oldest child, and it’s no secret I love Cousin Matthew/Dan Stevens. 😉 Now that I’m rewatching episodes, I appreciate the Dowager even more–she’s so clever and spot on!

    • I almost put a disclaimer on that question that you can’t pick Cousin Matthew, and you were exactly who I was thinking of!! The further we go along the more I love the Dowager as well. I laugh just about every time she opens her mouth!

  5. I have to say I’m a little mad at you right now – I’m going through the second season of Downton Abbey and you’re (apparently) a little ahead of me! Spoilers!!! 🙂

    I’ll forgive you though, don’t worry. 🙂

  6. I always like to end my night on the sweet side. mmm

  7. That chili looks awesome! I love any chili and any crock pot meal!

  8. I love crockpot recipes. Your recipe sounds delicious!

  9. Yum! Crockpots are the best! And I < 3 that PB

  10. Three cheers indeed for yogurt bowls :)! If you think season 2 is good, wait till you get season goes NUTS :)! My favorite character right now is Mary…and Carson..and Lord Grantham- oh don’t make me choose :)!

  11. That taco chilli sounds amazing! I don’t use my crock pot enough at all, with all these recipes popping up in the blogword I need to bust it out!

  12. That Taco Chili sounds awesome!!!! Have an amazing rest of the week ❤

  13. Caramel + ice cream = my demise!
    I love it and if its in my freezer it won’t be there long!

    And that chili recipe is going on my “to make eventually” list! 🙂

  14. I love chili, so I love trying new varieties! And chili in the crock pot is the best!

  15. You have so much Downton stuff to look forward to! Such a great season. And that chili looks great! I gotta keep that in mind for the next Crockpot recipe I want to try 🙂

  16. That crockpot chicken taco chili looks delicous. It’s making me hungry like NOW!

  17. That Chicken Taco Chili looks and sounds amazing. I will probably make this on Sunday so that I can have the leftovers for lunch next week 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  18. The yogurt bowl looks amazing!! I am all about crockpot meals and dessert. We use ours every week!

  19. I seem to go on crock pot kicks… I’ll use it for a while then it’ll sit in the cabinet for 6 months. It sounds like a great challenge!

  20. Pingback: A Marvelous Recap « Free Range Human

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